Nothing Missing, Nothing Broken

(5 minutes)

The mighty Spirit of the Lord Yahweh is wrapped around me because Yahweh has anointed me, as a messenger to preach good news to the poor. He sent me to heal the wounds of the brokenhearted...(Isaiah 61:1)

"We heard the gospel so many times we can repeat it in our sleep. The problem is we never stepped over into having our hearts healed...You can say a prayer a thousand times every Sunday and still walk around with a broken heart. You can make your decisions from a broken heart. You can live your entire life believing Jesus is Lord and He's the Savior, and you love with Him with all that you are, yet everything in you can still be broken." (Pastor Tim)

After having an encounter with Jesus and your life pierced with the good news of the Kingdom, the very next thing that Yahweh wants to do is heal your heart. Except most of us stopped with having the gospel preached to us, and we never waded into the healing waters that Yahweh wanted to escort us into. So we had the good news, but we didn't have a whole heart that could reflect that good news to the world through a life that was radiant. Abba never wanted us to settle for having the gospel on our lips, but no healing in our hearts. He desires to see every part of your heart healed and made whole. Nothing missing. Nothing broken.

What comes next? After the heart is healed?

to tell captives, "You are free," and to tell prisoners, "Be free from your darkness." I am sent to announce a new season (eon) of Yahweh's grace and a time of God's recompense on his enemies, to comfort all who are in sorrow, to strengthen those crushed by despair who mourn in Zion -- to give them a beautiful bouquet in the place of ashes, the oil of bliss instead of tears, and the mantle of joyous praise instead of the spirit of heaviness.

Because of this, they (you, me, us) will be known as Mighty Oaks of Righteousness, planted by Yahweh as a living display of his glory. They will restore ruins from long ago and rebuild what was long devastated. They will renew ruined cities and desolations of past generations. (Isaiah 61:1-4)

After hearts are made whole, prisoners and captives can be totally set free and never have to worry about drifting back into chains again. Without a healed heart, your brokenness will lead you right back into captivity. After the heart is made whole, prisoners and captives are finally and forever set free. And you begin to live in a new eon or era of grace, where you're enjoying Yahweh's permission to be exactly who you were created to be. In this time, Yahweh is coming after all of HIS enemies - everything that hinders our love affair with Him. We experience Abba's comfort and are strengthened, no longer subject to sorrow and despair. We've gone through the great exchange, having our ashes removed and a crown placed on our heads, having our tears traded for bliss and joy, having the spirit of heaviness lifted off of us and the mantle of praise released in our lives.

Then we will be known as Mighty Oaks of Righteousness, those planted by Yahweh Himself. And we will be living displays of His goodness and glory. And just by our being planted in a place, we will bring restoration and renewal to ruined cities.

This all begins with having the heart healed by Abba's embrace. It all begins with allowing Him to come in and light up every part of our inner world with His radiant light until there's no trace of darkness or shadow hiding anywhere in us. This is how deep Abba wants the healing to go.

Beloved One, don't settle for the brokenness. Jesus purchased a whole heart for you on the cross. And the empty tomb says it's yours for the taking.

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Worship: "You Restore Everything" by Rick Pino & Abbie Gamboa

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


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