Meditating on God’s Word

“Most of the time what we think doesn’t ever change because we don’t give space for God to change what we think. This is how we do it. We go into the word of God looking , go into the Bible looking for things to confirm what we already believe. That’s not how you read the word of God. The word of God is intended to be read in a way that challenges the way you think. I go in there looking for things that challenge how I think. That calls me to the carpet and says, hey, wait a minute- you are not looking at this properly. And if, I’m honest there was a large portion of my life I only read the bible through the lens of what I already believed. When you’re reading God’s word through the lenses of what you already believe you’re bending God’s word to what you already believe instead of saying- Abba, anything I read that’s not lining up with what I think you have my permission to change the way I think”

Are you allowing the Words of Jesus to challenge you?

Pastor Tim mentioned Jesus’ message on repentance. Matthew 4:17 “From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” NKJV

We have learned in the past the Greek word for repent is metanoia. This means a change of mind. It denotes a change of mind, a reorientation, a fundamental transformation of outlook, of man’s vision of the world and of himself, and a new way of loving others and God. 

Meditating on the scriptures with an open-heart gives Abba permission to change the way you have always believed. Beloved One, you will begin to reflect the person of Jesus to everyone around you. Isn’t this the ultimate goal, to look like Him on the earth? 

Giving Abba permission doesn’t just change you. It changes your children, it changes your grandchildren, your great grandchildren. The promise of Abba is that it affects a thousand generations. It can change your workplace, your neighborhood, your city and state. 

Have you given him permission? How is this changing your life? We would love to hear your testimony. 

Share with us: We encourage you to share with us how you are encountering Abba in your intimate walks each day. You can email us at



The Standard of Jesus


Making Room For The King