Glory to Glory

Yesterday we talked about the glory of Yahweh, and how we can prepare ourselves to carry His glory. Honestly, for every person who declares themselves children of Yahweh should have a desire to become image bearers going from glory to glory. The standard of the Kingdom for us right now is on earth as it is in heaven.

Our family at The Wilderness Place is currently building infrastructure to host Him well. What is infrastructure exactly? It’s the basic foundation of something. Think about your house. It is a system of beams, weight-bearing walls and a strong foundation. In order for us to walk in the reality of what Jesus says we must have the right infrastructure. We must understand we are His beloved sons and daughters; our purpose is not to wait for a trumpet blast to rescue us from a dark world, in fact we are to become the light of the world just as Jesus declared we would. We are the ones He has called to see our families changed, our city changed, our state and nation changed. We must continue to build a strong foundation to bear the weight of His glory.

Do you think Jesus would tell us to pray like this if it wasn’t possible? He tells us in Matthew 6:10, to pray, “Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Any word Jesus speaks comes with the ability for it to happen. There are so many incidents in all of our lives where we have prayed for things to come to pass, and it has taken a long time. Maybe you're still waiting right now. We must not give up in praying these matters through. This builds the integrity of our lives so we may carry more and more of His glory. Trust me when I say I know it is not easy to continue to pray for a matter or a person for years without seeing any answers, but we must continue to pray. We must declare in our homes as it is in heaven, in our marriages as it is in heaven, in our children as it is in heaven, on our jobs as it is in heaven. Our prayer at The Wilderness Place for the past three years has been on Pass Rd as it is in heaven. We have begun to see new life springing up all around us. We must continue to pray in the authority Jesus gave us.

“So Jesus taught them this prayer: “Our heavenly Father, may the glory of your name be the center on which our life turns. May your Holy Spirit come upon us and cleanse us. Manifest your kingdom on earth.” Luke 11:2

May the glory of your name be the center on which our lives turn. The weight of His name. The power His name carries is what our lives are to be centered on. The Holy Spirit comes upon us in power and cleanses us from wrong thinking. If the way we think lines up with the Holy Spirit so will our actions. As this happens, we see the Kingdom of Yahweh manifest in our lives and those around us. His glory can be hosted in your family, on your job, in school, and the grocery store. Our part is to center Him in our day to day.

Who have you been praying for so long you finally have given up and thought they are who they are? What have you been believing and asking Yahweh to bring to pass but it just hasn’t happened yet?

Abba, we ask for you to give us your eyes to see those people we have prayed for as you see them. Will you give us endurance to continue to pray for those matters we haven’t seen answered yet. Let us have a glimpse of why it is taking time to manifest. Thank you for being such a great father to us. We know you are building in us the ability to carry your glory through these times of testing and it is all worth it. Amen


The Veil is Lifted


The Glory Cost