Correct Image

In yesterday’s walk our prayer was “we long to know you so we can give our children and grandchildren the right image of who You are and who we are.” In all honesty, we have a desperate world around us needing a right image of not only Jesus, but the Father as well. How do we give them the correct image if our perspective of Jesus or the Father is wrong? Let’s take some time today soaking in what Jesus has to say about Himself and the Father and how this applies to our lives today.

“I love each of you with the same love that the Father loves me. You must continually let my love nourish your hearts. If you keep my commands, you will live in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands, for I continually live nourished and empowered by his love. My purpose for telling you these things is so that the joy that I experience will fill your hearts with overflowing gladness!” John 15:9-11

There is no greater love than that of the Father and Jesus. We must know and believe in the power of this love. A perspective some of us may have grown up being taught was the Father could only tolerate us wretched people because Jesus stood in the gap for us. This is a wrong perspective. The Father, who you will hear us call Abba (Aramaic for Dada) at the Wilderness Place, gave His Son, Jesus because He loves us so much and desires an intimate relationship with us. The Father loves us with the same love He loves Jesus. This is a perspective that will change your life. How does it change your life? Because their love nourishes our hearts, and our lives are empowered with joy. What happens when you are joyful? Everyone around you will experience joy as well.

Pastor Tim made a comment Sunday - You are intended to glow in the dark.

Our lives are meant to shine so bright with His love that joy, peace, patience, kindness, and gentleness is like an illuminating light wherever we go. This is what changes lives and generations. In John 14:12 Jesus says, “I tell you this timeless truth. The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do — even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father.” These are Jesus’ words. When we have a correct perspective of who Father, Son and Holy Spirit are we can do mightier miracles than what Jesus did on the earth. How do we get to this place of seeing miracles like this today? It starts with believing YOU are loved, and Jesus longs to have an intimate relationship with you. As you cultivate this relationship, you begin to GLOW, and then the miracles begin to happen all around you. Days are ahead when you will begin to share with others of what He has done and is doing in your life. People need hope. We are here to offer it to them.

I will leave you with this message from the Bridegroom to His bride - that is you.

The shining of your spirit shows how you have taken my truth to become balanced and complete. Your beautiful blushing cheeks reveal how real your passion is for me, even hidden behind your veil of humility. I could have chosen any from among the vast multitude of royal ones who follow me. But unique is my beloved dove—unrivaled in beauty, without equal, beyond compare, the perfect one, the favorite one. Others see your beauty and sing of your joy. Brides and queens chant your praise: “How blessed is she!” Look at you now—arising as the dayspring of the dawn, fair as the shining moon, bright and brilliant as the sun in all its strength—astonishing to behold as a majestic army waving banners of victory. Song of Songs 6:6-10


What Is He Whispering?


Perspective: How you think