Leaving It All Behind

(5 minutes)

This is the life-giving message we heard him share and it's still ringing in our ears. We now repeat his words to you: God is pure light. You will never find even a trace of darkness in him. (1 John 1:5)

Yahweh is pure light. You will never find even a trace of darkness in him.

We're on a journey with God. He's escorting us out of what we've believed about Him in the past, the beliefs we inherited from a religious lens, and He's ushering us into a place where He can speak tenderly to our hearts and show us who He really is and who we really are. This is how we begin to see Him as pure light. Abba shows up suddenly and says, "Come and see for yourself!"

The first step is always letting go of what we think we already know so we can discover the truth.

This was the first step for Abraham.

Now Yahweh said to Abram: "Leave it all behind---your native land, your people, your father's household, and go to the land that I will show you. Follow me, and I will make you into a great nation. I will exceedingly bless and prosper you, and I will make you famous, so that you will be a tremendous source of blessing for others. I will bless all who bless you and curse all who curse you. And through you all the families of the earth will be blessed. (Genesis 12:1-3)

Yahweh calls us out so we can encounter Him face-to-face. He asks us to leave it all behind so we can discover the real God and the real us. We have to leave behind our own will, and our own ideas and opinions about God, in order to find the authentic, true image - the real thing. Are we willing to let go of everything we've learned, to the very foundation, so Abba can rebuild our thoughts and beliefs on what is true? We must remember that Abraham was around 75 years old when Yahweh called him out and don't forget that he had no crutches or constructs at all. In the footnotes of The Passion Translation, Dr. Simmons says, "Abram had no burning bush to inspire him, no tablets of stone to guide him, and no ark of the covenant as a centerpiece of worship. Neither did Abram have a Temple to worship in, a Bible to read, nor a priest to counsel him. Nor did Abram have a pastor to pray for him, nor a prophet to prophesy to him. But Abram had a divine encounter." At 75 years of age, Abraham had a lot to relearn. He had a lot to let go of. But his story tells us that it can be done and that Abba values the tearing down of the old wineskin so we can inherit a better way.

Abba doesn't want us to rely on someone else's intimacy with Him. He wants us to hear His voice and know His heart for ourselves. This is why Abba calls Abram out and it's why He calls us out... to establish this face-to-face, intimate relationship with us. Will we say, "Yes, and I do," to Yahweh's invitation?

So Abram obeyed Yahweh and left; and Lot went with him. (Genesis 12:4)

Here is Abraham's first act of faith. He says yes to Yahweh's invitation. He believes and trusts what Yahweh says. Abraham lets go of life as he knew it. Where others would be asking God some follow-up questions, Abraham steps out of what was familiar (75 years of familiar) and steps into the unknown to walk with Yahweh.

How do we respond when Yahweh shows up and invites us to follow Him? How do we respond when Abba says, "Leave it all behind?" Does our heart respond with a resounding "Yes," because we know that He is pure light and there's not even a trace of darkness in Him? Or is there still a part of us that questions if He is truly good?

Abba has lured us into this wilderness to convince us that He is pure light. His judgment is coming against every suspicion and question that still lingers in our heart concerning His goodness - every mindset, opinion, and idea we have that is hindering our love. Are you committed to this journey of discovering the real Yahweh and the real you? Can you step into the unknown and follow Abba to the land that He will show you?

There is a moment in Song of Songs where the Shulamite Bride, like Abraham, surrenders to taking the journey with the Bridegroom King. She's done resisting the love of the King, and despite some dark perspectives that still remain, she makes this declaration:

I've made up my mind.
Until the darkness disappears and the dawn has fully come,
in spite of shadows and fears,
I will go to the mountaintop with you--
the mountain of suffering love
and the hill of burning incense.
Yes, I will be your bride.
(Song of Songs 4:6)

Abba, until there's no trace of darkness left in my perspective and the pure light that surrounds You has pierced every shadow and fear, I will follow You wherever You go. Yes, I will be Your bride.

Carry this declaration into your walk with Abba today and let His perfect love cast out all the shadows and fears that still remain. Until the darkness disappears and the dawn has fully come.

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Worship:  "Learning To Be Loved By You" by Melissa Helser

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


Goodbye, Fear!


The Gap Between What We Know and What We Do