Intimate In All That We Do

(5 minutes)

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:6 NKJV)

Become intimate with him in whatever you do, and he will lead you wherever you go. (Proverbs 3:6 TPT)

Acknowledging the Lord in all that we do - another one of our coffee cup verses that we really haven't understood the true meaning of. Like Pastor Tim said, it's not referring to a casual mention of Jesus when we're accepting an award. It's not giving Him the occasional credit for some sudden success. This scripture is asking us to KNOW Him in all the things we do. The same way that "Adam knew Eve, and she bore a son." This knowing isn't pointing to intellectual head-knowledge, but a deep, intimate intertwining of two hearts. The Passion Translation gets us closer with, "Become intimate with him in whatever we do."

I believe this scripture is giving us a Kingdom principle. Whatever we're intimate with will ultimately lead us. We've said this other ways: we become what we behold. If our heart is most intimate with brokenness, then brokenness will lead us wherever we go. No matter where we find ourselves in life, whatever our heart is intimately engaging with will call the shots.

This is also why you've heard it said at The Wilderness Place that intimacy changes everything. Intimacy with Yahweh will unbraid the brokenness of our hearts.

"This is what intimacy looks like: Abba, why did I do that? Abba, why do I care about what they think? Abba, why am I attracted to that?" (Pastor Tim)

Intimacy with Him is how the heart gets healed. And intimacy first begins with a deep exploration of Abba's heart in every situation and circumstance that you find yourself in. Do you remember when you first met your spouse? Do you remember asking them a billion questions about what they liked, what they thought about certain things, what they wanted to do, and where they wanted to go? Intimacy begins with getting inquisitive about what Abba is thinking. Intimacy is about being more concerned about what He thinks, than what you think.

The heart-shots that we've taken over time have caused our hearts to be broken in different areas. And we've become intimate with this brokenness and allowed it to lead us wherever we go. Our brokenness is telling us how to dress, where to go, how to get there, where to sit, who to be around, who to avoid, how to talk, and when to go home. Do you know why? Because we consult (seek advice from) that brokenness every time we need to make a decision, even a small decision. And the only way our hearts get healed is to start being that intimate with Yahweh. It requires a conscious choice. And it begins with bringing the questions to Him, instead of bringing them to your broken heart.

Remember, this is what intimacy looks like: Abba, why did I do that? Abba, why do I care about what they think? Abba, why am I attracted to that?

Beloved One, practice intimacy with Yahweh today. There are questions you have right now that you've been asking your brokenness to answer. It has no answers. Ask Abba instead. Become intimate with Him in whatever you do, and He'll lead you into the healing waters of His love.

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Worship: "You Always Restore (Winter Is Over)" by UPPERROOM

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


The Heart-Shot of A King


The “Heart Shot”