I’m Just Like You

(5 minutes)

"I understand it's hard to encounter something when your whole life you've believed one way and then you see something a different way, but isn't that what turning your heart to the Holy Spirit's supposed to be about? If we turn our heart to the Holy Spirit and He lifts the veil, it promises that we will see. That means there are some areas we don't quite see right." (Pastor Tim)

The message that Pastor Tim brought to our Kingdom family this past weekend was stretching. You could sense that in the room. And this week we're going to dive back in and allow Abba to convince us of these truths. But before we do, I believe it's important to start with something that was stirred up in our worship - we need to believe differently about who we are.

If it's true that we're made in the image and likeness of Yahweh, and if it's true that we're joined in life-union to Jesus, then we must start believing that we are just like Him. We sang these words in our gathering yesterday, "I am enough, because I am just like You." I don't believe this was accidental at all. We need this foundational truth established in our hearts if we're going to see the things that we read in Isaiah 65.

You are made in the image and likeness of Yahweh.

You are joined to Jesus in perfect union.

You are a beloved son and beloved daughter of Abba.

You are just like Him.

You are enough, because He is enough. You are righteous, because He is righteous. What if the areas where we are still struggling are simply waiting for us to believe that we are just like Him?

"He didn't bring you here to stare at your resume. He brought you here to tell you that He loves you." (Pastor Tim)

The areas where you still believe you don't measure up are waiting on you to stare at His love long enough to be convinced that your being a beloved son and daughter means that you are just like your Father. There is nothing missing. There is nothing broken. There is nothing lacking. You have always been enough for Abba.

Our hope and confidence cannot flow from any other place than this: we are beloved sons and daughters of Abba, and we were made in His image and likeness. We have everything we need, right now, to be who Abba has created us to be. We are perfectly loved, and we can't mess this up. We just have to start believing this about ourselves, instead of the lies that we've picked up throughout the years.

Last week, Abba presented the question to us, "Who are you?"

And this week, He gave us the answer to that question: "Abba, I'm just like You!"

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Worship: "I'm Just Like You" - The Wilderness Place

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


Isaiah 65 - The New World Order


Who Are You?