Hope Deferred Makes The Heart Sick

(4 minutes)

Have you ever looked up the definition of hopelessness?

Websters Dictionary defines hopelessness as having no expectation of good or success. The next definition is this: not susceptible to remedy or cure. Have you ever shared some helpful information or answers with someone, but they had no capacity to receive it? You were giving them the solutions they needed to the problems they were facing, but they could not hear or receive any help. Why? Because hopelessness is incapable of receiving a remedy or cure. When hopelessness is sitting on our heart we are suddenly turned off from receiving Kingdom solutions.

What Kingdom solutions and dreams are we not able to receive because of the hopelessness that's sitting on our own heart? What gifts are we unable to receive from Abba because hopelessness has become the lens that we see things through? And don't get me wrong, it's not hopelessness in all areas of our life. There are some areas where we are still hopeful and we can dream and access Kingdom solutions from Yahweh. But there are other areas where hopelessness has darkened our perspective, where unrelenting despair and disappointment have left our hearts sick.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when desire comes, it is a tree of life. (Proverbs 13:12)

"Without hope, you have nothing to exchange, to use your imagination to dream for. That means your hopelessness is keeping you from dreaming of what you were actually designed to dream for. That's why you think it's never going to change." (Pastor Tim)

What areas of your life is hopelessness sitting on? What areas have you ceased to have dreams for, ceased to seek out Kingdom solutions for? What areas have you determined in your heart will never change? These are the places where Abba wants to bring healing. These are the places He wants to lavish with His love. These are the areas that are keeping us from seeing significant Kingdom change in our lives. Faith and hope go hand in hand. Faith requires hope.

Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. (Hebrews 11:1)

Ask yourself an important question concerning the verse above: what happens if you remove hope from the equation? Suddenly, faith has nothing to grab hold of, because hope is gone. Do you see why it's impossible to see and receive Kingdom solutions in an area where hopelessness reigns?

Take these questions into your walk with Abba today. He wants to restore everything - until you are living fully alive. The first witness of a healed heart is hope, and hope is rising!

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Worship: "Rest On Us" by TRIBL

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


When The Rooster Crows


Is hopelessness sitting on your heart?