His Voice

“But Jesus answered him, saying, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.’” Luke 4:4

This week we have talked about surrendering our will to the Father, understanding Beloved Identity, and walking through trials in the wilderness like Jesus. All of this is possible, but it hinges on where we are getting our affirmation.

Let’s understand what affirmation is. The world or even religion will tell you to write positive statements and words for motivation. By repeating affirmations, you can challenge negative thoughts and encourage a positive mindset. I know I have many times in the past written positive words and declared them out loud to myself or had sticky notes every to encourage my thoughts towards myself or my goals. I was told by embracing affirmations it would lead to transformative changes, empowering me to pursue my goals with confidence and clarity. These are not bad practices if these sticky notes declare what Abba has spoken to you. Let’s be honest, how many of us have googled positive words or found a great motivational “Christian” speaker and did all of what they said we should do to get to where we want to be? We can all raise our hands here, right? Remember there is no shame and condemnation in this Kingdom family, but we have to ask ourselves the tough questions or admit to some of the things we did outside of His spoken word to us.

In the scripture above Jesus says, “Man shall not live by bread alone,” in the Message translation He says, “It takes more than bread to really live.” We cannot continue to feed on things Abba has not spoken to us. It will cause us to pursue jobs, positions, relationships or goals we were never meant for.

Surrendering and walking in the ways of Jesus will require sacrifice but the sacrifice doesn’t even come close to the reward we receive from walking fully surrendered to Him. Jesus says we shall live by every word of God. This is not merely speaking of the written word. It is vitally important for you to learn to hear the voice of Abba for yourself. The affirmation required for us to live a life fully alive and to do what He has designed us to do in the earth must come from the mouth of Abba. His voice must be the one we pursue and follow.

If this is new for you, or you're thinking how do I hear the voice of Abba? Here is where you start. Sit with the scriptures you read in The Walk. As you read them, ask the Holy Spirit, “What do you want me to know about this?” And wait for a moment. Read the passage again anticipating Him to show you something.

Throughout the day ask Him what He wants you to know about the day ahead. As you walk through the day look for Him; listen for Him. He is as eager to talk to you as you are to hear Him.


Trust in the Lord


Walking in the Wilderness