Getting Honor In Your Mouth

Written by Jarred Rushing

(4 minutes)

You brood of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak what is good? For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart.  (Matthew 12:34)

"For what has been stored up in your hearts will be heard in the overflow of your words!" The Passion Translation

In a heated discussion with the Pharisees, Jesus releases this truth about the words we speak - that they flow from our heart. 

Yesterday, as Pastor Tim was closing the service I was listening to the Holy Spirit speak to me about the message of honor that we had just heard. This time He posed an interesting question to me that He was inviting me to search out. This was the question: "Jarred, is honor really in your heart if it's not in your mouth?" 

Is honor really in your heart if it's not in your mouth?

The question was interesting because up until that point I would have considered myself an honorable person. I can look back over my life and point at specific moments of honoring the Lord, honoring spiritual authority, honoring my family, etc., with my time, talents and treasures. But I've never really lumped in "words" with that list...until now. 

You see, Abba has given us things that we can spend in life, however we want to. When these things come to us it's our choice as to how we use them. We can spend them on ourselves or on others, for gain or for loss, with wisdom or foolishly. It's really up to us.

He's given us time. This is our calendar, our schedule. All the hours in our day. 

He's given us talents. These are our unique giftings and abilities. Sometimes these turn into careers, but other times they remain hobbies. It's things that we are exceptionally good at. I would also put our unique, spiritual gifts into this category. 

He's given us treasures. These are our resources, our assets. It's our finances, our investments, our property and our belongings. 

And we're going to start including at the top of this list, our words. Our words are a gift that Abba has given us and we've learned our whole life that there is power in our words. Our declarations carry authority and influence. And we can't stop there because Jesus has told us that if something is truly established in our heart, the overflow of that truth will begin to pour out of our mouth. 

As we are seeking to be a people of honor, we need to see that Abba has given us a handful of things that are actually tools we can use to honor Him and the people that He's planted in our life: our time, our talents, our treasure....and our tongue (I figured we should stick with the t's).

After the service yesterday, I really felt that Abba was calling us to focus on a specific area of honor this week. We need to get honor in our mouth.

Honor needs to become our shared language. 
Honor needs to become our native tongue. 

We will know that honor is being established in our hearts when it is flowing from our mouths.

Listen for whispers from Abba today as He leads you to honor people He’s planted in your life. 

As we start this new week, full of new opportunities to walk with Abba, let's make these declarations and get honor in our mouth:

I am a vessel of honor. 

I honor Abba and all that He's planted in my life with my time, talents, treasure and my tongue. 

Honor is being established in my heart and honor is overflowing from my mouth.

Honoring Abba with my words is effortless for me. 

Honoring my spouse and my children with my words is effortless for me

Honoring spiritual authority with my words is effortless for me. 

Honoring my Kingdom family with my words is effortless for me. 

Honoring my boss, my co-workers, my clients and/or my employees is effortless for me. 

Abba is using my honor to bring Heaven to Earth in every conversation. 

As I walk with Abba, He teaches me how to honor.  

Honor starts in the heart. 
And overflows through the mouth. 

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Worship: "Tend" by Upperroom

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


Honor Is Easy


Extravagant Honor