Fathered Into Favor

(6 minutes)

At that time there was a Jewish man in the fortress of Susa whose name was Mordecai son of Jair. He was from the tribe of Benjamin and was a descendant of Kish and Shimei. His family had been among those who, with King Jehoiachin of Judah, had been exiled from Jerusalem to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar. This man had a very beautiful and lovely young cousin, Hadassah, who was also called Esther. When her father and mother died, Mordecai adopted her into his family and raised her as his own daughter.

As a result of the king's decree, Esther, along with many other young women, was brought to the king's harem at the fortress of Susa and placed in Hegai's care. Hegai was very impressed with Esther and treated her kindly. He quickly ordered a special menu for her and provided her with beauty treatments. He also assigned her seven maids specially chosen from the king's palace, and he moved her and her maids into the best place in the harem.

Esther had not told anyone of her nationality and family background, because Mordecai had directed her not to do so. Every day Mordecai would take a walk near the courtyard of the harem to find out about Esther and what was happening to her. (Esther 2:5-11)

The story of Esther has so much to do with our own intimacy with Jesus and the healing that Abba wants to bring to our hearts. It's the journey from shameful slave to beautiful bride, and this is the same journey we're on in the wilderness. Yahweh lures us into the wilderness and by His love, He transforms us. The declaration that He makes in Hosea 2:16, is we will no longer call Him "my master," but instead we will call Him "my husband." Esther's story is so significant because we can see this process of healing in her that Abba wants for each of us.

As soon as Esther gets to the harem, Hegai, who is a picture of the Holy Spirit - "the keeper of the women" - is very pleased with her. She begins to find favor, unlike the other women who are in the house. Hegai quickly provides her with cosmetics and the choicest food there is. He gives her seven choice maids directly from the king's palace and transfers her to the best place in the harem.

The question we must ask ourselves is, "Why?"

Why is Esther receiving this kind of treatment?

Right after reading about Esther's favor in the harem, we get a seemingly out-of-place verse that may give us some insight into why she is getting special treatment. It says, "Esther had not told anyone of her nationality and family background, because Mordecai had directed her not to do so." This verse isn't out of place at all. This verse shows us that Esther is finding favor because she is allowing her father to give her directions about how to navigate this journey inside the king's kingdom. Even though she's in the harem and under the charge of Hegai, she is still listening to the voice of a father.

We can't overlook this. At our gathering on Sunday, Pastor Tim said, "Most of us have neglected to come into submission to fathers."

We are living in the most fatherless state in our nation. We are living in the most fatherless time in history. What if this is the root of many of our problems? The absence of true fathers. What if our confusion, anxiety, insecurities, and questions concerning our identity are wrapped up in our not coming under the covering of a father?

This is one of the hardest things for us to do. The whole idea of submitting to a father triggers us to no end. This is why we recoil at the idea of submitting to anyone. Why? Because of the mishandling of past leaders who abused our hearts. Now, we've shut ourselves off from all authority.

Esther had the same experience. Her father died when she was just a girl. But somehow she didn't become calloused, but instead chose to open her heart again to a father. I'm not sure where Esther ends up if she had not been submitted to Mordecai. "Esther doesn't get favoritism in this house unless she's allowed herself to be fathered. She has no access to where she's fixing to go unless she's allowed herself to be fathered." (Pastor Tim)

What healing and wholeness are we not experiencing because we haven't come under a true father? What if we weren't designed to do it on our own? What if we're confused, lacking confidence, and riddled with anxiety and fear all because we haven't submitted ourselves to being fathered?

This is an area of our life that Abba wants to talk to us about. He doesn't want us to be directed by the pain of the past anymore.

Beloved One, don't let the brokenness of the past keep you from experiencing the real thing today. Let Me heal your heart, so you can open up again.

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Worship: "You Restore Everything" by Rick Pino & Abbie Gamboa

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


Soaking In The Spirit


Abba, I Trust You