Exclusively From Abba’s Point Of View

(5 minutes)

This is the life-giving message we heard him share and it's still ringing in our ears. We now repeat his words to you: God is pure light. You will never find even a trace of darkness in him. (1 John 1:5)

As we are letting Abba's declaration of our beloved identity go down deep into our hearts, I wanted to come back to the verse that we've been focusing on the last few weeks. One of the most valuable scriptures we have. Years after Jesus ascended to the Father and the church was being established in the earth, John the Beloved writes this letter and opens it with these words, the life-giving message of Yeshua that was still ringing in his ears, causing him to overflow with joy. God is radiant light, the purest light of all, and in Him there exists no trace of darkness at all.

I love the words that the author of The Mirror Translation adds in his footnotes concerning this verse. "Without exception, God's gifts are only good; its perfection cannot be flawed." Without exception, Abba is nothing but good and does nothing but good. His goodness cannot be flawed. There is no shifting shadow in the light that surrounds Him. There is no trace of darkness; nor any hint of a hidden agenda. We have to believe this! Not believing this will keep us from growing in intimacy with Yahweh. If we are suspicious of darkness in Him, be it just a trace, we will withhold ourselves and not get as close to Him as we're designed to be - face to face. Remember... uninterrupted, unbroken companionship. This is what Abba wants for us.

If we claim that we share life with him, but keep walking in the realm of darkness, we're fooling ourselves and not living the truth. But if we keep living in the pure light that surrounds him, we share unbroken fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, continually cleanses us from all sin. (1 John 1:6-7)

What does it mean to live in the pure light that surrounds Him? John the Beloved is not talking about behavior; he's talking about our perspective. How we see Abba and how we see ourselves will determine how we behave. The author of The Mirror Translation puts it like this: "To walk in the light as he is in the light means to see your life and everything that concerns you, exclusively from your Father's point of view." Do you see your life and everything that concerns you exclusively from Abba's point of view? Do you filter everything that happens in your life through the Father's goodness? I know you and I see SOME things through the Father's goodness, but do we see ALL things that happen in our life filtered through His goodness?

In Romans 8:28, the Apostle Paul says, "So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together for good, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose." Abba is nothing but good and does nothing but good. Are we convinced that He's weaving every detail of our lives into something good? Every detail? This is what it means to see your life and everything that concerns you, exclusively from your Father's point of view. You don't get to think anything about yourself or your life that Abba isn't thinking.

As intimacy with Yahweh becomes a priority in our lives, we will begin to grow in our union and unbroken fellowship with Him. And that union will change how we see everything. His perspective will become our perspective. His thoughts will become our thoughts. His heart will become our heart. We will come into complete alignment with Abba's way of seeing. We will begin seeing all things, every detail of our lives, filtered through His goodness. We will find ourselves basking in the radiant, pure light that surrounds Him. Our perspective will be washed of that old, religious paradigm that painted the Father with darkness, and we will be living immersed in the truth - He is good, and we are beloved.

As you get close to Him in intimacy today, begin asking Him for new eyes to see as He sees.

Abba, we want to see You rightly - in the radiant light that surrounds You. Abba, we want to see ourselves rightly - as beloved sons and daughters of God. Abba, we want to be fully convinced that every detail of our lives is being filtered through Your goodness. Let our old, darkened perspective be washed away by Your love.

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Worship:  "Surrounded (Fight My Battles)" by UPPERROOM

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


The Fruit of Becoming Beloved


Nothing To Prove