Delighting in Him

A surrendered life produces intimacy, and intimacy produces legacy. Pastor Tim made a statement Sunday, whatever is accomplished in your life through intimacy will out live you. Psalms 89:4 “Your seed I will establish forever, And build up your throne to all generations.” The seeds we sow, the sacrifices we make, the surrendering for Him will change everything around us and for many generations to come.

“And she said to her husband, “Look now, I know that this is a holy man of God, who passes by us regularly. Please, let us make a small upper room on the wall; and let us put a bed for him there, and a table and a chair and a lampstand; so it will be, whenever he comes to us, he can turn in there.” 2 Kings 4:9,10

The Shunammite woman made a decision when she encountered the Man of God. Her decision was to order her life to make him a priority when he showed up. She made sacrifices to have more of him in her life, in her home. She and her husband were business people. They were well known. I am sure they had a lot going on but whenever the Man of God showed up they stopped everything to have a meal with Him.

When the Man of God, Jesus shows up in moments of your day to have a meal with you do you stop what you are doing to eat the bread He is offering? He is beckoning us to pay attention to moments in our day to have conversations with Him. Fascination will reorder its life to have more of Jesus. Determination says- let me do this one thing on my list first, Lord, then I can talk to you. No one wants to be Martha. She struggled with wanting everything just right and everyone to do what she had assigned them to do. Jesus says- THERE IS A BETTER WAY!

Every time Jesus shows up to have a conversation with us we must choose in that moment to say Yes, Lord. He gets our full attention even if its inconvenient. He gives bread to the eater. Each time he offers bread and we stop to eat we will get more bread. More of His presence. More of His voice. More of His joy. More of His goodness. More of His mercy. More of His love. I can’t think of anything more important than these things.

Are you enjoying the moments you have carved out for Him? I can’t grow in fascination if I’m not growing in the enjoyment of the moment.

The word says, “Delight yourself.” Some of you miss the delight part because you are in a hurry. Pace matters. Listen you can let some things go undone to delight yourself in your family…have fun.

She (Shunammite woman) enjoyed the moments she has had with him to such a degree that she is willing to tear her house down and rebuild it.

Delighting in Him will cost you. There will be sacrifices made on your part. The process of her preparing this room did not happen over night. It took time. Jesus does not want you to skip steps in the ladder of devotion. He only wants to know you. This requires slowing down, paying attention to the bread he is offering and eating it!

“Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.” Psalms 37:4

Rest in Him. Eat the bread at His table. Surrender the throne of your life to Him and allow Holy Spirit to lead you. This is the life of devotion this woman in 2 Kings is describing for us. You will learn about Him and he will learn about you.

Are you ready to rearrange your life to give Him priority?

Share with us…thoughts or questions


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