Coming Into Rest

(5 minutes)

Now it came to pass when the king was dwelling [settled, made himself at home, sat down] in his house, and the Lord had given him rest from all his enemies all around, that the king said to Nathan the prophet, “See now, I dwell in a house of cedar, but the ark of God dwells inside tent curtains. (2 Samuel 7:1-2)

Today we are going to learn the most important Kingdom principle when it comes to hearing the voice of Abba for ourselves. To receive anything of value from the Kingdom you must be seated. Like Pastor Tim said on Sunday, when we talk about being seated we're not talking about an external posture, but the posture of our hearts.

"You can't hear God's voice running around in chaos. There are places, people, words from God, businesses your heart has desired, money you have needed, resources that your family needs, miracles that you've been crying out for...that are off-limits until you sit down." (Pastor Tim)

Our chaos, anxiety, and frantic pacing are keeping us from inheriting what we are designed to simply receive as beloved sons and daughters. Until we sit down in rest we will not hear His voice or receive from His hand. Our fragmented attention will never hold space for the things that Abba wants to give us. This will require restful trust. "We must bring our emotions, our heart, and the chaos of our life underneath the authority of His peace." (Pastor Tim)

We learn from this scripture that David sat down, and then Yahweh gave him rest from all of his enemies that were all around him. This is the way of the Kingdom. Your coming into rest can't wait on the perfect conditions, it must come first. When you make the decision to stop striving and sit down, then you will experience the peace of Abba. But as long as you are anxiously running around, you can't inherit anything from the Kingdom. What are you missing out on because you refuse to be still?

To be seated means to come into a quiet, still place. But what happens when you get still? What do you feel?

When David came into this seated posture, this quiet, still place...he was immediately moved into unrest and busyness. "How can I sit down right now? How can I enjoy this place that Yahweh has planted me when He is still living out there in a tent? I can't just sit down. There's things to be done." David started feeling guilty for coming into rest. What do you feel when you come into rest? Do you feel the peace of God or do you start feeling guilty? The shame and guilt we feel is robbing us from hearing Abba's voice for ourselves. Sometimes we're running from a seated posture because we don't want to deal with the things we feel when we get still. But getting still and coming into rest is the only way for us to experience the healing and wholeness of the Kingdom. Can you see the war that's being waged over your being seated in the presence of God?

Beloved One, don't miss out on everything that Abba has for you today. You've believed the lie that you can't afford to sit down and rest, but that is not the truth. You can't afford not to come into this seated posture. There are words from Abba at stake. There are people, places, businesses, Kingdom-solutions for the world's problems, money, resources, and stake. The resources of heaven are waiting to be downloaded into the heart that has come into rest. Are you ready to hear God's voice for yourself?

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Worship: "Open Space" by Housefires

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


Being Seated


Made For Whole Hearts