Are you willing?

Written by Jarred Rushing

(4 minutes)

"No one would think of lighting a lamp and then hiding it in the basement where no one would benefit. A lamp belongs on a lampstand, where all who enter may see its light. The eyes of your spirit allow revelation-light to enter into your being. When your heart is open the light floods in. But when your heart is hard and closed, the light cannot penetrate and darkness takes its place. Open your heart and consider my words. Watch out that you do not mistake your opinion for revelation-light! If your spirit burns with light, fully illuminated with no trace of darkness, you will be a shining lamp, reflecting rays of truth by the way you live." (Luke 11:33-36)

The openness of our hearts will determine how much of our spirit will burn with revelation-light. Religion always told us it was the amount of things that we could do that would change our lives - read our Bible, pray, serve, tithe, and the list goes on. In religion, these were always a means to an end - a finish line we could never cross. Religion promised us that if we did these things and many more, we would experience true transformation. But it never came. Why? You know, as well as I do, that all of these things can be done with a hard and closed heart. Jesus is telling us in this scripture that revelation-light comes to the heart that is open, vulnerable, and willing to walk away from its own opinion.

Are you willing to give up what you think about yourself for what Abba thinks about you?

Are you willing to walk away from your long-held theological opinions about God to discover the real thing?

The open heart is simply the willing heart. Willing to embrace Abba's perspective over its own.

The walk we take with Abba is not a time to become more certain of our own opinions. It's a time to lay down our thoughts and ideas so we can inherit His.

How do you know if your heart is open or closed?

Well, closed hearts can only hear things from Abba that they already agree with. Closed hearts don't hear thoughts or ideas that they don't already believe. An open heart can hear the truth even if it's foreign to them at first. I guess the plainest way to say it is if Abba is always agreeing with you, then your heart may not be as open as you think it is. Pastor Tim has mentioned an old quote in past services that says, "In the beginning God created man in His own image, and man has been trying to repay the favor ever since." Another quote I've heard that gets a similar point across says, "You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out God hates all the same people you do." Does God always seem to like who you like and dislike who you dislike? Is God always agreeing with you and your plans? Does He ever say anything that challenges what you think or believe?

An open heart is willing to hear whatever Yahweh has to say.

A closed heart can only hear what it already believes.

An open heart values Abba's revelation-light.

A closed heart values its own opinion.

As you take the walk with Abba today, allow Him to smother you with kisses. Allow His kindness to lead you to the place of vulnerability. Intimacy with Jesus is the only thing that can open us up. Religion taught us to close our hearts to protect us from being truly known and seen. When you're trying to hide the dirtiest parts of yourself, being open is a threat to your being accepted and embraced. Abba wants you to open up so you can see that He desires to embrace every part of you, even the ugly parts that religion told you to hide from Him. An open heart is a witness that we've truly encountered Perfect Love, because we no longer fear what will happen if we come out of hiding. We've been so convinced of Abba's goodness that we feel no need to protect our hearts or our own opinions. Will you entrust your whole heart to Abba and hold nothing back? He's ready to pour His love out on you, every part of you. You don't have to be afraid of His love. You won't find any rejection in Him. He doesn't do abandonment.

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Worship: "Out of Hiding" by Steffany Gretzinger & Amanda Cook

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


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