American Christianity vs. God’s Point of View

(8 minutes)

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2 NKJV)

Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God's will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes. (Romans 12:2 TPT)

"You can have a point of view that's in opposition to God's point of view. You can have a point of view, called Christianity, that is not God's point of view." (Pastor Tim)

Did you know that "Christian" wasn't even the name that believers went by in the 1st century? We were originally called Followers of The Way. And one day we were being made fun of by the onlookers and they called us "little Christs" or "Christians." But this was never supposed to be our identity. Like Pastor Tim mentioned on Sunday, there's nothing little about your life and there's nothing little about Christ. We were never supposed to be relegated to a "little version" of who He is, we are destined to become the exact same image or version of who He is. Names matter. What you call yourself matters.

While we're on names, let's spend a moment on Jesus. His real name is Yeshua. So where did we get Jesus? That's a great question. "Jesus" is the English form of the Greek name Iēsous, which is itself a translation of the Hebrew name Yeshua. So "Jesus" is a translation of a translation of the real name, Yeshua. If we were translating Yeshua into English today, a more literal translation would actually be Joshua. Yeshua means "Yahweh is salvation."

Names matter.

This is why we don't call ourselves Christians, but Lovers of Jesus.

This is why we don't call The Wilderness Place a church, but a Kingdom Family.

This is why we don't refer to Yahweh as God or Master, because we know Him as Abba.

As Pastor Tim mentioned, we may say Jesus for the benefit of others, but His name is Yeshua.

"I am done with playing with American Christianity, because it causes nothing but death and destruction. There's nothing more dangerous on this planet than American Christianity. Nothing, not even the enemy. The enemy has no authority." (Pastor Tim)

Why does it matter so much? Is it really that serious?

Let me answer with a parable:

"In the heart of Paris, there was a little-known art gallery that housed an original painting by the great impressionist, Claude Monet. This painting was mesmerizing, a landscape of Giverny's water lilies, and it was famous for its vivid colors and the play of light on the water. It was a genuine masterpiece, and it drew art enthusiasts from all around the world who wished to gaze at its authenticity.

One summer, a skilled forger crafted a replica of Monet's painting. He was well-versed in Monet's techniques, and his forgery was so precise that even the trained eye could be fooled. He managed to have his replica displayed at a nearby cafe, marketing to the visitors that it was a "little-known original Monet" that had been recently discovered.

Word spread quickly, and soon, many visitors preferred the cafe to the gallery, believing they were experiencing a unique piece of art history. The gallery noticed a significant drop in visitors, as everyone flocked to the cafe instead.

As months passed, the true art critics began to notice some differences in the replica, subtle deviations that made it stand apart from Monet's originals. The truth of the forgery was eventually exposed. The authenticity of the original painting was questioned, and trust in the local art scene wavered.

The gallery, despite possessing the genuine article, struggled to regain its former prestige. The incident served as a stark reminder that the presence of something very similar, yet not authentic, could indeed overshadow and threaten the genuine, reducing the public's ability to appreciate and value the real over the mimic."

This is where Yeshua would say, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear."

The greatest threat to the real thing is not something obvious and markedly different; the greatest threat to the real thing is something so similar that it may cause you to miss the real thing altogether.

We could have a point of view that sounds so similar to God's point of view, possibly even using some of the same terms and language, and the same scriptures, but it still not be the real thing. There's only one way to know that you have the real thing: intimacy. You can no longer settle for having someone else hear Abba's voice for you. You must hear for yourself.

Beloved One, pull up your chair at His table. Taste and see for yourself that He is good. Remember, the only people who could tell the difference in the art pieces were those who had become so intimate with the real thing that they could spot a fake anywhere.

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Worship: "O Taste and See" by UPPERROOM

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

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Embracing Abba’s Point of View


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