
Written by Jarred Rushing

(4 minutes)

To grant those who mourn in Zion, 
Giving them a headdress instead of ashes,
The oil of rejoicing instead of mourning,
The mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting.
So they will be called oaks of righteousness,
The planting of Yahweh,
that He may show forth His beautiful glory.
Then they will rebuild the ancient waste places;
They will raise up the former desolations;
And they will make new the ruined cities,
The desolations from generation to generation.

(Isaiah 61:3-4)

Ashes: the things I think about myself that Abba does not think about me. It is so fitting that Yahweh would place a crown of beauty on our heads because this is the place that our ashes reside, in our thought-life. To exchange these ashes for a crown of beauty is to give away the ongoing thoughts of fear, shame and condemnation and to inherit Abba's thoughts about us. It is the renewing of the mind. 

Here's a sobering idea: if we had to give away all the negative thoughts we think about ourselves and all the anxious thoughts we have about our own future, what would be left? Would there be any thoughts left if we had to divorce ourselves from all the ashy ones? 

As we venture into a new week of wilderness walks with Abba, I want you to focus on one word: already

You already have the mind of Christ. 

You already have an active imagination that can see how Yahweh sees. 

You already have everything you need to be who Abba has created you to be. 

Jesus already bought and paid for the crown of beauty that sits on your head. 

Everything He has is already yours to enjoy. 


What we are doing this week is releasing ashes, resting in His love, and receiving our inheritance. This crown of beauty belongs to you. It's something you were always designed to carry. Can you believe that you already possess it?

For Who has ever intimately known the mind of the Lord Yahweh well enough to become his counselor? Christ has, and we possess Christ's perceptions. (1 Corinthians 2:16)

This verse literally says, "But we have the mind of Christ."

This is vital for us to understand, because if we think we're working from a deficit, a place of lack, we will be tempted to strive and earn our way into this new way of thinking and seeing. We're not working from a deficit at all. We lack nothing. We already possess everything we need. Our part is to release the ashes, rest in His love and receive our inheritance by way of the Spirit. 

Can you believe that you already possess the crown of beauty?

Can you believe that you already have the mind of Christ? 

This very well could be your first step in using your imagination and thoughts to think and see like Yahweh, because He believes that you already possess His mind. Can you believe about yourself what Abba already believes about you?

This is the renewing of the mind. We are being trained by the Spirit to think with Abba's mind, see with Abba's eyes, and feel with Abba's heart. And this journey is meant to be enjoyed. Abba treats this like a newborn baby learning to walk or a child learning to ride a bike that they got for Christmas. He is delighting in this process. And as we release the ashes, we'll begin to inherit His feelings of delight and joy in the process, too. Don't worry, He's already woven every mistake and misstep into the story. There's no way you can mess this up. 

Abba, I release the ashes, I rest in Your love, and I receive the inheritance that You have already given to me. I take Your hand today for the walk and I yield my heart to You. I'm following Your footsteps. Smuggle me into the secret place where the loveliness of Your face will change how I see myself. If You are for me, who can be against me? I can no longer be against myself. I can't afford to think thoughts about me that You are not thinking. Abba, I love you and I love to be loved by You. Thank You for placing this crown of beauty on my head.

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Worship: "You Keep On Getting Better" by Maverick City Music

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


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