Abba, How Can I Thank You?

Written by Jarred Rushing

(2 minutes)

"Therefore, behold, I will allure her and bring her into the wilderness and speak to her heart. Then I will give her her vineyards from there and the valley of Trouble will become a door of hope. And she will sing there as in the days of her youth, as in the day when she came up from the land of Egypt."

"And it will be in that day," declares Yahweh, "that you will call Me 'Husband' and will no longer call me 'Master.’” (Hosea 2:14-16)

We have received so much revelation over the past couple weeks. We are seeing our ashes being replaced with a beautiful crown of glory. We're seeing hopelessness drift away along with all of its fear-driven thoughts about our future. Our imagination is being awakened to its true and original purpose - to see what Yahweh sees. We are seeing God for who He really is - our Abba. And as we stare into His face and see the love that burns in His eyes it begins to change how we see ourselves. We are receiving a more full revelation of the hope that He has actually called us to walk in. What we are starting to feel deep in our hearts is assurance. This may be something we've never experienced before when it comes to our relationship with Yahweh. In religion there was always this lurking thought in the back of our minds that we made up the story of God's love. It wasn't until we were lured out into the wilderness that we heard His voice for ourselves, and it was not a harsh, condemning was an intimate, love-filled whisper. Now, what was once just a theory has become our reality. We are living in the downpour of the Father's perfect love.

It's so important as we receive such beautiful revelation about Yahweh to stop and let our hearts feel the gratitude and thankfulness that His love has produced in us. Remember, it is honor that keeps the flow of intimacy open. Honor is really just our gratitude overflowing in such a way that it cannot be contained. Honor is the manifestation of a heart filled with thankfulness.

We must pause today, in light of all that He's done and all that He has revealed, and bring an offering of honor to the Lord. Let your thankful heart carry a gift of love to the King. We have things in our possession that we can use to honor Him - our thoughts, our words, our time, our talents and our treasure. Abba has made us owner of all of these things, and they are the substance of our offerings of worship to Him. When they are attached to a thankful heart, they become an offering of honor. 

As you take a walk with Abba today, bring an intentional offering of honor to Him. Break your costly, alabaster box of worship at His feet. Be overwhelmed by the river of love that He has immersed you in this past week. Your honor blesses His heart. When my children honor me for who I am, I cannot help but pour out more of my affection on them. How much more will our Abba pour out even more onto us as He sees the honor flowing from our hearts?

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Worship: "How Can I Thank You" by Lion's Den

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


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