A Singular Perspective

(5 minutes)

No one would think of lighting a lamp and then hiding it in the basement where no one would benefit. A lamp belongs on a lampstand, where all who enter may see its light. The eyes of your spirit allow revelation-light to enter into your being. When your heart is open the light floods in. But when your heart is hard and closed, the light cannot penetrate and darkness takes its place. Open your heart and consider my words. Watch out that you do not mistake your opinions for revelation-light! If your spirit burns with light, fully illuminated with no trace of darkness, you will be a shining lamp, reflecting rays of truth by the way you live. (Luke 11:33-36)

Jesus is inviting us into the wilderness so our perspective can be changed, so our perspective can be singular or one with His. "How does it become singular? The same way the two become one. You come into a union with God. His perspective becomes your perspective. You see it the way He sees it." (Pastor Tim)

Our perspective matters. This scripture isn't talking about our behavior, but how we see things. How we think determines everything we do. We have to get this or we'll just keep trying to manage our bad habits instead of truly changing the way we think - which is the repentance, or metanoia, that Abba's goodness is leading us into. He's asking us to pay attention to our perspective. Is our perspective being changed by His revelation-light, or is our heart still closed to His voice, mistaking our own opinions for revelation-light.

"How I think determines if I'm full of God's light. And it's my thinking that causes me to be full of darkness." (Pastor Tim)

Do you see how important your perspective is? This is why Jesus' message was "Change the way you think, the Kingdom of God is at hand."

When we don't allow Abba to heal our hearts we can begin to masquerade as someone who is filled with revelation-light, but on the inside we're still holding on to our own way of thinking. Another version of this scripture says, "Take heed that the light which is in you is not darkness."

"This is how your light can be darkness: your opinion matters more than God's opinion. You have mistaken what you believe about something to be what God believes about it." (Pastor Tim)

This was the common theme in everyone who opposed Jesus. They mistook what they believed to be what Yahweh believed, and it wasn't the truth. Jesus was trying to usher in Abba's way of seeing, and some people thought they already possessed that way of thinking and ended up rejecting the very Son of God.

Abba desires that we be full of light like He is full of light. You were designed to think like God. It's possible! But not while we're dressing up our own opinions to look like His. Our opinions must be abandoned to take hold of His way of seeing.

And how do we know if Abba's perspective is having an effect on our hearts? It will inevitably show up in the way we live. Our life will always be a witness to what perspective we're carrying. When you begin to inherit Abba's perspective you start inheriting a life that you wouldn't trade for anything! Your perspective becomes so entwined with Abba's that it's producing the abundant life that Jesus paid for, and you start enjoying the unbroken fellowship you have with Him. It changes everything! But it all starts with a willingness to have your mind changed by His goodness.

Beloved One, allow Abba's goodness to lead you into the place of metanoia. Hear Jesus whispering to you today, "Change the way you think, the Kingdom of God is at hand - the Kingdom of God is within." Abba is ready for you to experience abundant life. This is why He's inviting you into the unfamiliar, the place of trust, the place of having your perspective changed. You're not becoming someone else, you're becoming who you were always meant to be. Open your heart and His revelation-light will flood in!

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Worship: "Palm of Your Hand" by TRIBL

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


The “Heart Shot”


The Comfort of the Potter’s Hands