A Presence Even Blind Men Could Follow

Written by Jarred Rushing

(5 minutes)

As Jesus left the house, two blind men began following him, shouting out over and over, "Son of David, show us mercy and heal us!" (Matthew 9:27)

Blind men... following Jesus? That’s peculiar.

Pastor Tim shared a powerful question about this verse on Sunday that I believe Abba wants us to take on our walk with Him today.

How do blind men follow anybody, unless you're carrying something so significant that even blind men could follow you?

What are we carrying? And what is it producing in our life?

Having an honest conversation with Abba that produces a greater measure of intimacy must begin with questions like this. For far too long in American Christianity we've shifted blame and avoided responsibility because we didn't want to talk about what WE were carrying, personally, and what that was producing in our own lives. Let's be honest, we haven't had blind men shouting us down because they could sense that we were carrying such a powerful measure of His presence. Shoot, we haven't had anyone shouting us down (for the right reasons), even people with great eyesight. Religion came along and taught us how to point fingers at the world and the devil, and that allowed us to escape even more the honest conversations that Abba was wanting to have with us.

You can see this so clearly in the Garden of Eden. What happens when Yahweh wants to have a conversation with Adam about Adam? "It's not my fault! The problem is this woman that YOU gave to me!" And what happens when Yahweh wants to have a conversation with Eve about Eve? "It's not my fault! The problem is this devilish serpent that deceived me!" Avoiding responsibility is an ancient practice that was established by a man and woman who were afraid of God. Fear keeps us from having honest conversations with Abba. 

This is why we must stare at the face of Jesus and allow Him to show us the true nature of the Father. As we begin to see Abba's kindness in the face of Jesus, we will be ushered into true metanoia, the changing of our mind, real transformation. When we encounter Abba's kindness, we will lower the weapons that we've used to protect our heart and we will allow His perfect love to cast out all fear. Our hearts will become tender, allowing us to have an open, honest conversation with Abba about the things that He wants to talk about. 

Is Abba allowed to talk to us about anything?

Or is there a place in our heart that is still ruled by fear that won't entertain any questions or conversations, even from Yahweh? 

A place in our heart that, when it's poked and prodded, only produces blame-shifting and avoiding responsibility?

I can remember a moment years ago when I was troubled by a thought I had while journaling. I remember thinking, "There are things, right now, that I couldn't hear God say, even if He wanted to say it." That thought really bothered me. I think all of us have to get to that place, especially if you're crying out for the real thing. Because at some point, after you lose your obsession with the world and the devil, all that's left is you and Abba, and He's not going to be the weak link in this relationship. 

That leaves us with a sobering question: what if the chaos, the restlessness, and the lack of real Kingdom-solutions comes down to my own inner world, not the world around me?

What if it's my avoiding the conversation that Abba wants to have that's producing the struggle, the weariness, and the confusion?

What if He's trying to break through to me, but fear isn't allowing me to hear His voice in a certain area?

Am I willing to go into the secret place with Him, remove all the distractions and say, "Abba, I want the real thing, even if it requires me to be honest and open about my own heart."

And here's the best part. Abba doesn't want to waste time studying the problem, rehearsing where it came from and figuring out who's to blame for the darkness. He just wants your tender, fully-open heart, even the darkest parts, to encounter the light of His presence. He wants to embrace the leper that we've tirelessly tried to hide from everyone. We've even tried to hide the inner-leper from ourselves. Will we take the advice of the Song of Songs and "let Him" smother us with kisses? Will we let Him smother every part of us with kisses? Even the areas we have named unlovable?

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." (Matthew 11:28-30)

Let him smother me with kisses - his Spirit-kiss divine. (Song of Songs 1:2)

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Worship: "One Thing" by Housefires

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


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